I tried to "upgrade" from mingw 4.8.1 to 4.7.2, but had no luck.  There seems to be an unresolved problem with the packaging on the 4.8.1 release that prevents a change back to previous versions.

This definitely seems to be a mingw problem.

On Sunday, January 26, 2014 2:55 AM, Jerry van DIjk <jdijk59@hotmail.com> wrote:
In article <1390599240.54030.YahooMailNeo@web120505.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>,
bobcolem@yahoo.com says...

> I agree it's a C problem.  There's seems to be a complication with the
> winsock and ws2tcpip libraries in Windows 7 and beyond.
> Unfortunately, I don't have access to a vista machine or MSVC.

It seems there are a number of issues with the 4.8.1-x releases. It's
probably best to revert back to 4.7.2 if you do not need 4.8.1

-- Jerry van Dijk
-- Leiden, Holland

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