Dear Brad or Marc and list,Curious, so you can parse into Gambit a decimal number with infinite precision, with exactness, by just appending "#e" to it i.e. > (define (string->exact-number s) (string->number (string-append "#e" s)))> (string->exact-number "1.23478289348923749872394728934")61739144674461874936197364467/50000000000000000000000000000Is there any way to do the opposite? All I see number->string give is "61739144674461874936197364467/50000000000000000000000000000"- how would the definition of an exact-number->string look that produced an output with decimals,i.e. something that gave "1.23478289348923749872394728934" or "#e1.23478289348923749872394728934" back?I understand there are cases with unlimited number of decimals i.e. 1/3, a typechecker for that would be awesome.Thanks,Mikael