Hi Benjohn,

Black hole doesn't compile modules using the command line, like Gambit does. There is info about this (which is hopefully up to date) in the README at https://github.com/pereckerdal/blackhole.


Per Eckerdal

On Tuesday, 7 June 2011 at 16:36, Benjohn Barnes wrote:

I've slightly developed the simple Black Hole test in the previous email. Here are the files I'm using:

- module1.scm
(define (hello) (print "Hello") (newline))

- module2.scm
(define (world) (print "World") (newline))

- test.scm
(import module1)
(import module2)
(print "All Done!")

Here's what happens when I build and then try to run the executable:

simple-test # ls -l
total 24
-rw-r--r--@ 1 benjohn benjohn 51 7 Jun 16:27 module1.scm
-rw-r--r--@ 1 benjohn benjohn 51 7 Jun 16:28 module2.scm
-rw-r--r--@ 1 benjohn benjohn 80 7 Jun 16:29 test.scm
simple-test # bsc -exe test.scm
Loaded Black Hole.
*** WARNING -- "module1#hello" is not defined,
*** referenced in: ("/Users/benjohn/Code/gambit/simple-test/test.c")
*** WARNING -- "module2#world" is not defined,
*** referenced in: ("/Users/benjohn/Code/gambit/simple-test/test.c")
simple-test # ./test
*** ERROR IN | test| -- Operator is not a PROCEDURE
simple-test #

So, I suppose I have two questions – should I expect to get these "not defined" error on symbols that are in other projects, and why doesn't the executable work? (it's the same error that I get with the executable from the openGL test project in the earlier email after the second invocation of bsc) :-)


benjohn@fysh.org - Twitter @benjohnbarnes - Skype benjohnbarnes - Mobile +44 (0) 7968 851 636

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