
How to solve one and the same problem in a dynamic prototype class language and in a compiled single-inheritance class language is a general programming question.

Your problem description is too unspecific to give any relevant answer.


2015-12-21 20:39 GMT+08:00 ben yakawp <>:
I have a the following problem: Initially I was looking for a simple way
to write code on several platforms with scheme as the "reference
platform". This is more difficult then I thought because most of the
target languages have libraries that are build with an OO model. That
leaks into the platform neutral source code, so that you write scheme
but with OO in mind. Now I see a next problem, that of Javascript making
extensive use of "prototyping", again a specific model that has to be
ported to other languages.

So my question is, how would you express prototyping in a platform
neutral way, so that you can (hypothecally) use the source code also for
target languages that don't support prototyping.

Hopefully I don't make this much more complicated than it is.
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