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 Call for Papers: Computer Languages, Systems and Structures
 COMLAN Special Issue on the 14th International Conference on
  Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE'15)

Papers will be selected among top ranked papers from GPCE'15:

                    ACM SIGPLAN GPCE 2015
              14th International Conference on
        Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences

             Oct 26-27, 2015, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

GPCE keynote speaker: Prof. Priya Narasimhan (CMU, USA)

GPCE is co-located with:
ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and
Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH 2015)
ACM SIGPLAN 8th International Conference on Software Language
Engineering (SLE) 2015


  GPCE abstract submission  : June 8, 2015
  GPCE full paper submission: June 15, 2015
  GPCE authors notification : July 24, 2015
  GPCE camera-ready         : Aug 7, 2015
  GPCE conference           : Oct 26-27, 2015

  Special issue submission  : January 1, 2016
  Special issue notification: May 1, 2016
  Special issue publication : July 1, 2016

  Note that GPCE workshops are handled by SPLASH

All dates are Anywhere on Earth


GPCE is a venue for researchers and practitioners interested in techniques
that use program generation, domain-specific languages, and component
deployment to increase programmer productivity, improve software quality,
and shorten the time-to-market of software products. In addition to
exploring cutting-edge techniques of generative software, our goal is to
foster further cross-fertilization between the software engineering and the
programming languages research communities.


GPCE seeks contributions on all topics related to generative software and
its properties. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Generative software
* Domain-specific languages (language extension, language embedding,
  language design, language theory, language workbenches, interpreters,
* Product lines (domain engineering, feature-oriented and
  aspect-oriented programming, pre-processors, feature interactions)
* Metaprogramming (reflection, staging, partial evaluation), Type
  systems, Program synthesis
* Implementation techniques and tool support (components, plug-ins,
  libraries, metaprogramming, macros, templates, generic programming,
  run-time code generation, model-driven development, composition tools,
  code-completion and code-recommendation systems)

Practical Applications and Empirical evaluations
* Empirical evaluations of all topics above (user studies, substantial case
  studies, controlled experiments, surveys, rigorous measurements) 
* Application areas and engineering practice (Cloud Computing, Internet of
  Things, Cyber Physical Systems, Mobile Computing, Software Defined
  Networking, High Performance Computing, Patterns and Middleware,
  Development methods)

Properties of generative software
* Correctness of generators and generated code (analysis, testing, formal
  methods, domain-specific error messages, safety, security)  
* Reuse and evolution
* Modularity, separation of concerns, understandability, and
* Performance engineering, nonfunctional properties (program optimization
  and parallelization, GPGPUs, multicore, footprint, metrics)

We particularly welcome papers that address some of the key challenges in
the field, such as,
* synthesizing code from declarative specifications
* supporting extensible languages and language embedding
* ensuring correctness and other nonfunctional properties of generated code
* proving generators correct
* improving error reporting with domain-specific error messages
* reasoning about generators
* handling variability-induced complexity in product lines
* providing efficient interpreters and execution languages
* human factors in developing and maintaining generators

GPCE encourages submissions about empirical evaluations and applications of
generative software, and such papers will be given special consideration
during reviewing.


Research papers: 10 pages maximum (ACM SIGPLAN style)

Research papers should report on original and unpublished results of
theoretical, empirical, conceptual, or experimental research that
contribute to scientific knowledge in the areas listed above (the PC chair
can advise on appropriateness)

Tool demos and short papers: 4 pages maximum (ACM SIGPLAN style).

The goal of short papers is to promote current work on research and
practice. Short papers represent an early communication of research and do
not always require complete results as in the case of a full paper. In this
way, authors can introduce new ideas to the community, discuss ideas and
get early feedback. Please note that short papers are not intended to be
position statements. Short papers are included in the proceedings and will
be presented with a shorter time slot at the conference.

Tool demonstrations should present tools that implement generative
techniques, and are available for use. Any of the GPCE topics of interest
are appropriate areas for tool demonstrations, although purely commercial
tool demonstrations will not be accepted. Submissions must provide a tool
description of 4 pages in SIGPLAN proceedings style (see above) and a
demonstration outline including screenshots of up to 4 pages. Tool
demonstrations must have the words "Tool Demo" or "Tool Demonstration" in
the title, possibly appended in parenthesis. The 4-page tool description
will, if the demonstration is accepted, be published in the proceedings.


The special issue will publish GPCE'15 papers by invitation from the
guest editors, is closed to papers outside the conference, and will
only include top-ranked papers from GPCE'15 (based on the GPCE'15
review, see scope and topics of interest, above).  The special issue
will be published by Elsevier in Computer Languages, Systems and
Structures (COMLAN):




  Christian Kastner, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


  Aniruddha Gokhale, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA


  Faruk Caglar, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
  Tomofumi Yuki, INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France

  Ulrik Pagh Schultz, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
  Kenichi Asai, Ochanomizu University, Japan
  Aniruddha Gokhale, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA


  Kenichi Asai, Ochanomizu Univ, Japan
  Emilie Balland, INRIA Bordeaux, France
  Don Batory, Univ of Texas, USA
  Walter Binder, Univ of Lugano, Switzerland
  Jan Bosch, Chalmers Univ, Sweden
  Akshay Dabholkar, Oracle, USA
  Ewen Denney, NASA Ames, USA
  Katrina Falkner, Univ of Adelaide, Australia
  Bernd Fischer, Stellenbosch Univ, South Africa
  Matthew Flatt, Univ of Utah, USA
  Jeff Gray, Univ of Alabama, USA
  Michael Haupt, Oracle Labs, Germany
  James Hill, Indiana Univ Purdue Univ at Indianapolis, USA
  Young-Woo Kwon, Utah State Univ, USA
  Raffaela Mirandola, Politechnico di Milano, Italy
  Hridesh Rajan, Iowa State Univ, USA
  Laurent Reveillere, LaBRI, Univ of Bordeaux, France
  Marcio Ribeiro, Federal Univ of Alagoas, Brazil
  Tiark Rompf, Purdue Univ, USA
  Klaus Schmid, Stiftung Universitat Hildesheim, Germany
  Norbert Siegmund, Univ of Passau, Germany
  Yannis Smaragdakis, Univ of Athens, Greece
  Sumant Tambe, RTI Inc, USA
  Petr Tuma, Charles Univ, Czech Republic
  Nalini Venkatasubramanian, Univ of California, Irvine, USA
  Jules White, Vanderbilt Univ, USA
  Eric Wohlstadter, Univ of British Columbia, Canada