While reading my post I noticed that (pp foo) will not have the macros expanded in the compiled version. Of course, the Gambit compiler preserves the copy of the source code *before* doing macro expansions so it is exactly as in the source file. Sorry about that. Guess what that means is that the interpreter is your other friend ;)
Your friends here are lambda and pp. Gambit will always expand macros inside a lambda so if you have file x.scm containing :------------(define-macro (when test body)
`(if ,test
,@body)))(define (foo x)
(when (= x 0)
(write 'yo)))------------you can do the followingGambit v4.0.0
> (load "x")
> (pp foo)
(lambda (x) (if (= x 0) (begin write 'yo)))
>alternatively, if your code is compiled, I suggest always compiling it with -debug that adds no runtime penalty and keeps the source code so you can doC:\Jazz\dev\jazz>gsc -debug x
Gambit v4.0.0> (load "x")
> (pp foo)
(##lambda (x) (when (= x 0) (write 'yo)))
On 10/26/07, Christopher Diggins <cdiggins@gmail.com > wrote:I was wondering if anyone could suggest a method of debugging
"define-macro" expressions so that I can see what is actually being
generated by the macro system (e.g. by preventing evaluation of the
resulting macro, and printing it)? Otherwise I get a cryptic messages
like "unbound unquote", and "ill-formed expression", but without any
hints what is causing the grief in the generated code.
Christopher Diggins
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