Thanks, Marc!
My message box have shown also :-) But not so easy as in your case. Here is my makefile:

all: gambit-ffi.exe

gambit-ffi.exe: gambit-ffi.scm
    gsc  -:=$(GSHOME)  -link                           gambit-ffi.scm
    cl -nologo  -c  -MTd  -I$(GSHOME)/include          gambit-ffi.c gambit-ffi_.c
    link  /out:gambit-ffi.exe  /libpath:$(GSHOME)/lib  libgambc.lib user32.lib ws2_32.lib gambit-ffi.obj gambit-ffi_.obj
gambit-ffi.scm is yours:
(define mbox
  (c-lambda ((pointer void) char-string char-string int) int "MessageBoxA"))

(mbox #f "Message body here" "Caption here" 0)

Best regards,

Marc Feeley wrote:
I tried compiling the following code using the MinGW variant v4.1.2, and things work with no special linker options:

(define mbox
  (c-lambda ((pointer void) char-string char-string int) int "MessageBoxA"))

(mbox #f "Message body here" "Caption here" 0)

The steps are:

% gsc test.scm
% gsi test

Had you needed to link to special libraries (such as user32 and gdi32) you would do:

% gsc -ld-options "-luser32 -lgdi32" test.scm
