In fact I want to use the prelude option of the compiler inside the interpreted mode.
I have not seen any prelude: option in the compile-file function.

The command line I use actually in my Makefile
gsc-gambit -prelude '(include "test-macro.scm")' test-simple.scm


On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Bradley Lucier <> wrote:

On May 7, 2012, at 10:11 PM, Cyrille Duret wrote:

> mmm
> seems that I will have to use Makefile instead of gsc -i
> cyrille

You came to that conclusion from reading the mail list archives?

The following works:

First, give the correct definition of my-macro:

[Bradley-Luciers-MacBook-Pro:~/crap] lucier% cat test-macro.scm
(define-macro (my-macro x) `(+ ,x 1))

Then, include the macro definitions in the file you want to compile:

[Bradley-Luciers-MacBook-Pro:~/crap] lucier% cat test-simple.scm
(include "test-macro.scm")
(define my-func (lambda (x) (+ x (my-macro x))))

Then the following works just fine:

[Bradley-Luciers-MacBook-Pro:~/crap] lucier% cat build.scm
(compile-file "test-simple.scm")
[Bradley-Luciers-MacBook-Pro:~/crap] lucier% gsc -i build.scm
[Bradley-Luciers-MacBook-Pro:~/crap] lucier% gsi
Gambit v4.6.5

> (load "test-simple")
> (my-func 2)