(define-syntax cons-stream
(syntax-rules ()
((cons-stream a b)
(cons a (delay b)))))
(define empty-stream '())
(define stream-null? null?)
(define (stream-car stream)
(car stream))
(define (stream-cdr stream)
(force (cdr stream)))
(define (stream-filter pred? stream)
((stream-null? stream) empty-stream)
((pred? (stream-car stream))
(cons-stream (stream-car stream)
(stream-filter pred? (stream-cdr stream))))
(stream-filter pred? (stream-cdr stream)))))
(define (stream-ref stream n . default)
(let loop ((s stream) (i n))
((stream-null? s) (and (pair? default) (car default)))
((<= i 0) (stream-car s))
(loop (stream-cdr s) (- i 1))))))
;; an infinite stream of ints
(define (int-from n)
(cons-stream n (int-from (+ n 1))))
(define (erastho stream)
(let ((n (stream-car stream)))
(cons-stream n (erastho (stream-filter (lambda (i)
(not (= (modulo i n) 0)))
(stream-cdr stream))))))
;;getting the 50th prime number,
(stream-ref (erastho (int-from 2)) 50)
;;getting the 10000th prime number
(stream-ref (erastho (int-from 2)) 10000)
> CC: gambit-list@iro.umontreal.ca; lucier@math.purdue.edu
> From: lucier@math.purdue.edu
> Subject: Re: [gambit-list] Space leak or bad gc parameters?
> Date: Sat, 16 May 2015 19:29:50 -0400
> To: denis.prog@hotmail.com
> Show us the code.
> Brad
> Ps: Sorry about my email screw ups.