It's fine as long as the case listing has few elements (<30-50 somewhere). Your else clause probably wants an error call in it btw.
2011/11/2 Marc Feeley <>:
>I am experimenting with a symbol version:
> Alternatively, use this macro to import C enums and constants:
(define gtk-window-new
(let ((toplevel ((c-lambda () int "___result = GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL;")))
(popup ((c-lambda () int "___result = GTK_WINDOW_POPUP;")))
(new (c-lambda (int) GtkWidget* "gtk_window_new")))
(lambda (type)
(new (case type
((toplevel) toplevel)
((popup) popup)
(else "gtk-window-new: invalid type: " type))))))
This seems to be more natural in Scheme and the top level environment
would be smaller. But the code would be slower because of the case
dispatching. And every mapped C function accepting enumerations would
have three closures: the let, the lambda and the c-lambda.
Is this inappropriate expensive?
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