That fixed it. Thanks!

-- Matt

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 8:46 AM, Marc Feeley <> wrote:

On 2011-04-05, at 7:07 PM, Matthew Koichi Grimes wrote:

> I've gotten Marc's "simple-make-project" example working, and now I'm trying to adapt it to my own needs. The first of those needs is that I'd like to have the "main" function be in Scheme rather than C.
> I've written a minimal example featuring 3 files: main.scm, hello_scheme.scm, and hello_c.c. The main.scm file calls two "hello world" functions: a 'hello from Scheme!" function defined in hello_scheme.scm, and a "hello from C!" function defined in hello_c.c.
> I've changed "simple-make-project"'s makefile in just two ways: I've edited the source filenames, and because the main function is now in Scheme rather than C, I've changed
>  to
> When I run "make", all my source files successfully compile to .o files, but the link command that should link the .o files together into an executable silently fails to produce anything. That final command is:
> gsc -cc-options "" -ld-options "" -verbose -exe -o prog main.o hello_scheme.o hello_c.o prog_.o
> It neither produces the "prog" executable, nor does it even show what gcc commands it called, despite use of the -verbose flag. It just silently returns.
> I've attached the project as a zip file. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

You need to upgrade to a newer Gambit.  This issue was solved last November (patch "Extend gsc so that it can link executables (i.e. -exe option) from a set of object files.").  So if you get v4.6.1 the problem will go away.


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