Would you mind posting a link to your ARM libgambc.a file (and gambit.h)? Installing the gcc 4.7 toolchain on the Mac, especially as a cross-compiler, is a major pain, and I have a feeling other people will find this useful.

For whatever reason, not a single build I've got so far using build-gambit-iOS has been correct. Are there any extra special settings that need to be given to Xcode to make it cooperate with gambit?


On 2012-06-06, at 9:08 PM, Shihpin Tseng wrote:

We using 4.6.6, for now everything is perfect.

Here is what we do.

1.  compile GambitREPL of  gambit 4.6.6 with Xcode 4.0.2 on Snow Leopard. 
2.  compile and install gambit 4.6.6 with gcc-4.7 on working computer, Lion 10.7.4
2.  copy libgambc.a from SL system to our project.
3.  build project with latest Xcode (4.3.2)

On Jun 7, 2012, at 8:48 AM, mikel evins wrote:

On Jun 6, 2012, at 7:41 PM, Kirill Zorin wrote:

Is there any particular reason for using 4.6.1 (versus some other minor revision)? Was 4.6.1 found to be the latest iOS-stable version (by git-bisect or similar)?

The reason is very simple: we had 4.6.1 archived and we already knew that it worked.

We had been using 4.6.1 for several months. We delayed upgrading to newer releases of Gambit simply to avoid destabilizing our toolchain. With the release of 4.6.6 I decided it was time to attempt the upgrade. We don't want to fall too far behind the current release.

However, we encountered a problem similar to the one you did, and so we chose to roll back to the toolchain we had previously been using, since we knew that it worked.

It still works. We'll try an upgrade again in the near future, and if we fail again, we'll roll back again.

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