sorry for spamming, here's actually what I really want to do (and maybe there's an easier solution than figuring out how define-type works)
oh wait, this is in lib/_nonstd.scm, I guess this explains why documentation has been so hard to come by.can anyone explain how:(define-prim (##define-type-expand ...) ... in lib/_nostd.scm ) works ?it seems like an _awful_ lot of code to setup a few macros ... so there must be something magical (optimizations) going on that I'm not aware of.Thanks!On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 3:19 PM, lowly coder <> wrote:Hey,Where is define-type documented? I can't find it in r5rs or in the gambit documentation (though it is briefly mentioned in a tour of scheme through gambit). define-type is really cool and I'm starting to run against my limited knowledge of it.Thanks!