No offense taken. I'm interested as this is a step closer to the "lisp machine"; if I can have my entire dev environment be scheme based, and be able to dynamically edit the code for my dev environment on the fly, I think magical things I can not yet imagine will happen.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Oisín Mac Fhearaí <> wrote:
2009/2/19 lowly coder <>:
> hey,
>   so my current dev environment is xmonad + emacs + gambit; this is about to
> become xmonad + jedi + gambit; but I'd prefer to have my window manager be
> running on gambit too
>   so ... is there anyone else out there also interested in this? we can
> probably start out with something like scwm or sawmill and hack it to run on
> gambit ... or if you're really good with x11, we can even start with some
> thing leaner
> let me know if there's interest
> thanks!
> (mainly interested in this as a hobby project)

No offense intended, but I think re-implementing window managers in
Haskell/Scheme/<current language of choice> seems a bit
Not-Invented-Here syndrome-ish. If it ain't broke, don't fix it -
since there's lots of other interesting things to fix/create.

Not that there's anything wrong with making a window manager with
Gambit, or anything.
