Cool!  Is there any kind of in depth discussion of the garbage collector, things like ___STILL, etc.?  I remember a few mentions in the official docs, but not enough to wrap my head around.


On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 7:43 AM, Marc Feeley <> wrote:

On 2013-03-26, at 10:17 AM, Jason Felice <> wrote:

> I don't have the environment to use the ___BEGIN_ALLOC_VECTOR() macros. (No ___hp).
> I know the size ahead of time.  If possible, I'd like to avoid passing ___hp all the way down.
> Actually, this is one place where I'd love documentation - the environment for writing C functions and how things are protected from gc, etc.   I can put it together after I figure it out.

Use this instead:

long length = 100;
___SCMOBJ init = ___FAL;
___SCMOBJ v = ___EXT(___make_vector)(length, init, ___STILL);

An alternative is to create the vector in Scheme, and pass it to C to be filled in using mutation.