Probably you have one of the memory hungry GCC version!

What does your gcc -version  show (gcc --version?)?

Any egcc on your system?

An alternative is to compile gambit with ./configure without --enable-single-host .

Probably the step in the install instructions you got to was the compilation of std/string/digest.scm . This takes ~2GB RAM on a good GCC version, say 75GB on a bad.


2013/8/6 Dirk Theisen <>

Am 06.08.2013 um 17:14 schrieb Mikael <>:

I tried to install black hole from the latest release (0.2) from git here

The compile script issued a warning and after 5 minutes and 5GB of real memory consumption of clang, I needed to stop the installation to prevent my system from running out of memory.

This is on latest OS X 10.8.

Trying Marcs tip now.


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