Okay, so I almost think I have a solution to this.
Can I have something like "trace", where instead of printing the argument line, it passes it to a function?
Like a function uber-trace
(trace foo) = (uber-trace foo (lambda (args) (pp args)))
~/code/irc$ cat trace.scm
(define (foo x) x)
(define (bar) (foo 0))
(define (test)
(foo 1)
(trace foo)
~/code/irc$ gsi trace.scm
| > (foo 1)
| 1
| > (foo 0)
| 0
Can I control trace where I can say "trace foo, but not when it's called by bar".
I.e. rather than just saying "trace this function", I would like to be able to say:
(trace foo predicate)
where predicate is a function that takes as input the "stack" frame, and as output creates a #t / #f, which decides whether this particular trace should be printed
On a side note -- all the cool debugging functions in Gambit -- is this part of the 100K LOC scheme or 50K LOC hand written C? (hoping it's the former)