Cool! Ahh, this is because with ___FIX() it's implicit that the passed value will fit in a fixnum whereas with (c-lambda ([args]) int code) needs a conditional for if the return value would be a bignum.

Beyond this, can it ever be faster with regard to use (##c-code code) than (c-lambda (scheme-object:s) scheme-object code)?

Vijay: Feel free to document what you got from this on the wiki - this is like the most essential stuff ever so it deserves a place there.

2013/9/26 Marc Feeley <>

On 2013-09-26, at 12:21 AM, Vijay Mathew <> wrote:

> Thanks again for all the great feedback!
> I think the call to ____FIX() is not required if Scheme code access the C function through a declaration like this:
> (define read-bytes (c-lambda (int unsigned-int scheme-object) int "read_bytes"))
> Is that correct?

That is correct.  However, using ___FIX() is faster for converting a C integer to a Scheme fixnum.  And ___INT() is faster for converting a Scheme fixnum to a C integer. So better performance is obtained with:

(define read-bytes
  (c-lambda (scheme-object scheme-object scheme-object)
   "___result = ___FIX(read (___INT(___arg1),___BODY(___arg3),___INT(___arg2));"))
