Apologies to those who receive multiple copies of this posting.

There are two ballots to vote on this time, the Tangerine Edition ballot, which decides what goes into R7RS-large, and the Orange Edition straw poll, which helps to decide what will go on the ballot for the future Orange Edition.  Voting on both is open until the end of January.  Please vote!

Links to the ballots, which are Google Forms, will be sent to scheme-reports-wg2 ONLY.  However, you can also reach the forms at
at <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XQNvIzijmCxHgnaRq31u9MogloG0YWDaWKBs-J9CCTA> (Tangerine) and <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qn1Ut7tR5bzXyWOrxpbLu5O7rJJ5_m2HhAeG8YqfgGI/> (Orange).  You don't need a Google account.  Let me know if anything goes wrong.

Here are the detailed instructions for the Tangerine Edition ballot: 

This is a ballot to decide which SRFIs are to be included in the Tangerine (data structures and numerics) Edition of R7RS-large.  This is the second  of about 8 editions, so only certain topics are being voted on now.   If you are seeing this ballot, you are a member of Working Group 2 provided you actually vote.  However, if you have not voted on a Scheme ballot or ratification before, please send an email to scheme-reports-wg2@groups.google.com giving your name and a short explanation of your interest in Scheme.

Choose "No vote" if you wish to abstain, which means that your vote on this question will not be counted.  Note that if one person votes for alternative A, and two people for alternative B, and everyone else abstains, alternative B wins.  That is because we are going by a majority of the legal votes cast for each ballot question.  If no alternative achieves a majority, the question will be reballoted at a later date.

Otherwise, choose "None" if you wish not to include a library of the type described in R7RS-large, or choose one of the SRFIs or R6RS according to the choices given.  You can also choose "Other" for a write-in vote.

There are also some yes/no questions on the ballot, for which the answers are "No vote", "No", and "Yes".

If you want to revote, just vote again using the same name.  Only the last vote is counted.  The ballot closes at the last moment of Friday, February 1, 2019, in any time zone, which is equivalent to noon February 2 UTC.

All ballots will be made public.  If you object to using Google Forms (you do not need a Google account), post your ballot in an email to scheme-reports-wg2@groups.google.com.  As an absolute fallback, send an email to cowan@ccil.org and I will post your vote for you.  Ballots posted to other fora will be used if I see them, but are not formally supported.

And here are the instructions for the Orange Edition straw poll:

Please vote on the proposals you think should be considered for R7RS-large.  This vote is not binding, but provides guidance to the editor about which pre-SRFI proposals should be converted into SRFIs and which should not.  Ones that are already SRFIs or which have simple or existing implementations are excluded.

There are four options in all cases:  "No vote", "No", "Yes", and "Volunteer"; the last means that you are volunteering to write the implementation.

John Cowan          http://vrici.lojban.org/~cowan        cowan@ccil.org
weirdo:    When is R7RS coming out?
Riastradh: As soon as the top is a beautiful golden brown and if you
stick a toothpick in it, the toothpick comes out dry.