Conditions: ConditionsCowan
File I/O: FilesAdvancedCowan plus SettingsListsCowan
Threads: SRFI 18 plus optional SRFI 21 or FuturesCowan (simplified with monad)
Sockets: SRFI 106 or NetworkPortsCowan with NetworkEndpointsCowan
Datagram channels (UDP sockets): DatagramChannelsCowan
Timers: SRFI 120
Mutable environments: EnvironmentsMIT
Host environment (Posix): SRFI 170
Access to the REPL: ReplCowan
Library declarations: LibraryDeclarationsCowan
Interfaces: InterfacesCowan
Process control: ProcessesCowan
System commands: SystemCommandCowan
Pure delay/force: PureDelayedGloria
Delimited continuations: Racket, Guile, Scheme48/Kali, Gauche, Chicken
Continuation marks: SRFI 157
Extended exact numbers: SRFI 73 or ExtendedRationalsCowan
Adjustable strings: SRFI 118 (basic) or SRFI 140 (mutable/immutable)
Mutexes, condition variables: SRFI 18
Port type detector: see ticket #177
Internationalization of strings: GettextCowan
Chronometers: Chronometer
Character-cell terminals: TerminalsCowan
Graphics canvas: CanvasCowan
On Sat, Dec 21, 2019 at 11:02:55PM +0200, Lassi Kortela wrote:
> R6RS is quite a big language and there are already so many good
> implementations of it that new ones might not have much to add. Same
> situation as with Common Lisp. R7RS is such a small language that all kinds
> of niche implementations are interesting and useful to explore.
Which is why they split R7RS into a small language and a large language that
I home can be implemented entirely on top of the small langauge.
-- hendrik
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