Hi :)
I'm curious as to why flonum atrihmetic is so much slower than fixnum arithmetic.
For example, the following naive benchmark runs in .8 seconds (as fast as C code!) when declare'd as fixnum, but takes 99 seconds(!) to run in flonum mode.

(define iterate-till-zero
  (lambda (n)
    (if (> n 0)
        (iterate-till-zero (- n 1)))))

(time (let loop ((n 1000))
        (iterateTillZero 1000000)
        (if (> n 0)
            (loop (- n 1)))))

Does Gambit do some special mojo when dealing with "flonum"s? If so, is there a way to disable said mojo's? I just need fast inexact floating point arithmetic. (C style float or double numbers meet my needs just fine.)

~ TJay ~