On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Alex Queiroz <asandroq@gmail.com> wrote:

> i.e. the code in my app that initiates Gambit looks like the standard....
>  ___setup_params_reset (&setup_params);
>     setup_params.version = ___VERSION;
>     setup_params.linker = LINKER;   // <-------  Can only specify one module
> here
>     setup_params.debug_settings = debug_settings;
>     ___setup(&setup_params);

    You must call gsc with all your modules on the command line:

$ gsc -link mod1.scm mod2.scm mod3.scm ... master.scm

and then you only need to "link" with the master module in your C code.



Thanks, that was the answer I was looking for.  However, in my case unfortunately it doesn't help as I can't get  $ gsc -link "_meroon.scm" to generate code.  I run Bradley Lucier's make_maroon, which basically concatenates all the Meroon scm files together into _meroon.scm, and then when I try $ gsc -link "_meroon.scm" I get

*** ERROR IN feature-present? -- Unbound variable: *meroon-features*

I suspect this is because of the way Meroon bootstraps itself. 

The only way I've been able to generate C code from Meroon is..

$ gsc
(load "old-load.scm")
(old-load "pre_meroon.scm")
(compile-file-to-c "_meroon.scm")
(link-incremental '('"meroon"))

That generates _meroon.c and _meroon_.c which leads me to the original problem above.  I've no idea if the C files generated that way do what I want though, as I've not been able to run any of the code in them.

Any ideas where I go from here? 
