Dear Gambit enthusiasts,

I think I figured out how to use dlopen to run functions from Gambit that live in dynamically loaded libraries (plugins); my best to date is below.

But I'm not quite happy with it--because it's kind of elaborate.  That is, I couldn't figure out how to avoid some of the boiler plate below.  Perhaps there is a shorter way?

So my question for Gambit enthusiasts is: Is there a cleaner way to do this--to run functions from plugin libraries? i.e. without having to pre-declare call_plugin_print8 and call_print8.  What if you wanted to make such a call after inspecting a new library at runtime?

Many thanks!  Gambit rocks!  Thanks again for such a great system.

- Jason

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  file: libex.cpp  ;;;;;;;;;;;;
;                 a simple library of one function for
;                 testing/development of plugin loading 

#include <stdio.h>

extern "C" int print8() {
  printf("\n In print8() : returning 8\n");
  return 8;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  file: libex.h   ;;;;;;;;;;;;

#ifndef LIBEX_H
#define LIBEX_H
int print8();

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  file:  dlopen.scm   ;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;  dlopen.scm : plugins in Gambit

; compile and link with:
; gsc -link dlopen.scm
; gcc -I/usr/local/Gambit-C/include -L/usr/local/Gambit-C/lib  dlopen.c  dlopen_.c  -lgambc -lm -lutil -ldl -o dlopen

(c-declare #<<c-declare-end

       #include <stdio.h>
       #include <stdlib.h>
       #include <dlfcn.h>
       #include "libex.h"

       /* simple wrapper to do runtime plugin function calls (call into .so library) */
       int call_plugin_print8(void* handle) {
         char *error;
         int (*my_func)();
         // my_func               = (int (*)()) dlsym(handle,"print8");
         *(void **) (&my_func) = dlsym(handle, "print8");

     if ((error = dlerror()) != NULL) 
         fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error);
     return (*my_func)();


;  from dlfcn.h ; see man dlopen
;       void * dlopen(const char *filename, int flag);
;       char * dlerror(void);
;       void * dlsym(void *handle, const char *symbol);
;       int    dlclose(void *handle);
; translated into Gambit-C FFI:
(define dlopen  (c-lambda (nonnull-char-string int32) (pointer void) "dlopen"))
(define dlerror (c-lambda () char-string "dlerror"))
(define dlsym   (c-lambda ((pointer void) nonnull-char-string) (pointer void) "dlsym"))
(define dlclose (c-lambda ((pointer void)) int32 "dlclose"))

;; hmm is there a defconstant in scheme that we could use for these C header constants?
;; for now generate a function of the same name to get us the constant int value we need.
(define RTLD_LAZY (c-lambda () int32 "___result = RTLD_LAZY;"))

; declare the type of the foreign function
(define call_print8 (c-lambda ((pointer void)) int32 "call_plugin_print8"))

(let* ((h  (dlopen "/home/jaten/dj/gamb/" (RTLD_LAZY)))
       (res (dlsym h "print8")))

       (if (null? res)
     (error "could not locate symbol 'print8' in the plugin library!"))

       (pretty-print (list "calling print8() gives: " (call_print8 h)))
       (pretty-print res)     
       (pretty-print h)
       (pretty-print (list "The value of the constant RTLD_LAZY is: " (RTLD_LAZY))))

;; output:

;;; $ ./dlopen
; In print8() : returning 8
;#<void* #2 0x7fdd20c1868c>
;#<void* #3 0x22cd7b0>
;("The value of the constant RTLD_LAZY is: " 1)

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  file: Makefile   ;;;;;;;;;;;;

    gsc -link dlopen.scm
    gcc -I/usr/local/Gambit-C/include -L/usr/local/Gambit-C/lib  dlopen.c  dlopen_.c  -lgambc -lm -lutil -ldl -o dlopen
    g++ -c libex.cpp      -fpic -o libex.o
    g++ -shared libex.o -o
    @echo "testing ./dlopen"

    rm -f dlopen dlopen_.c dlopen.c dlopen.o1 dlopen.o2 *~ *.o *.so