Marc has some super old examples of talking to Qt from Gambit. You could try using that with the new Qt 5 for Android (also experimental I think) from Digia. Assuming you can setup a sane build environment, that should work well.

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Adrien Piérard <> wrote:

I've recently installed gambit on my android phone ( )
and it seems to work fine. I would now like to know if it's possible
to create from this gambit an UI for the apps I want to develop?

I'm not looking at much, I'd just like to be able to print some text,
and then to print a keypad on which to feed data. Something as simple

So, is it possible?

That webview thing seems to be available, and an old comment at seems to say
that UIs could be written with it, but I don't really see how.
Assuming I have a form, where do I post to?

If there's another way to run apps written in Gambit and that use a
GUI, I'd be interested to hear about it.



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