Yes, I'd missed that distinction.

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 12:55 PM, Marc Feeley <> wrote:

On 2013-02-03, at 6:40 AM, Jason Felice <> wrote:

> I think I'm seeing a gambit bug.
> I have a situation where this returns #f:
> (with-exception-handler
>   (lambda (e) #t)
>   (lambda () (trampoline-gp-set! (make-trampoline) 6 99) #f))
> And this returns #t:
> (with-exception-catcher
>   (lambda (e) #t)
>   (lambda () (trampoline-gp-set! (make-trampoline) 6 99) #f))
> And running this from the repl raises:
> (trampoline-gp-set! (make-trampoline) 6 99)
> The definition of trampoline-gp-set! is currently:
> (define trampoline-gp-set!/internal
>   (c-lambda (trampoline int unsigned-int64)
>           void
>     "___arg1->gp[___arg2] = ___arg3;"))
> (define (trampoline-gp-set! trampoline index value)
>   (if (>= index 6)
>     (raise "invalid index for trampoline-gp-set!"))
>   (trampoline-gp-set!/internal trampoline index value))
> But all this happens with this definition as well:
> (define trampoline-gp-set!
>   (c-lambda (trampoline int unsigned-int64)
>           void
>   if (___arg2 >= 6)
>     ___err = ___FIX(___UNKNOWN_ERR);
>   else
>     ___arg1->gp[___arg2] = ___arg3;
> ))
> Am I missing something?
> I'm using WITH-EXCEPTION-HANDLER elsewhere to do the same thing and it appears to be working there.

Are you aware that with-exception-catcher unwinds the stack (similarly to a try/catch in other languages), but with-exception-handler does not (the result of the exception handler will be returned by the call to raise).

Does that help explain the behavior you are seeing?

Marc Feeley