Apologies for multiple copies.


12th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC 2015)
Königswinter, Germany, 29 June - 1 July 2015


The MPC conferences aim to promote the development of mathematical principles
and techniques that are demonstrably practical and effective in the process of
constructing computer programs, broadly interpreted.

The 2015 MPC conference will be held in Königswinter, Germany, from 29th June to
1st July 2015. The previous conferences were held in Twente, The Netherlands
(1989), Oxford, UK (1992), Kloster Irsee, Germany (1995), Marstrand, Sweden
(1998), Ponte de Lima, Portugal (2000), Dagstuhl, Germany (2002), Stirling, UK
(2004, colocated with AMAST), Kuressaare, Estonia (2006, colocated with AMAST),
Marseille, France (2008), Québec City, Canada (2010, colocated with AMAST), and
Madrid, Spain (2012).


Papers are solicited on mathematical methods and tools put to use in program
construction. Topics of interest range from algorithmics to support for program
construction in programming languages and systems. The notion of "program" is
broad, from algorithms to hardware. Some typical areas are type systems, program
analysis and transformation, programming-language semantics, security, and
program logics. Theoretical contributions are welcome, provided that their
relevance to program construction is clear. Reports on applications are welcome,
provided that their mathematical basis is evident.

We also encourage the submission of "pearls": elegant, instructive, and fun
essays on the mathematics of program construction.


   * Submission of abstracts:      26 January 2015
   * Submission of full papers:     2 February 2015
   * Notification to authors:      16 March 2015
   * Final version:                13 April 2015


Submission is in two stages. Abstracts (plain text, 10 to 20 lines) must be
submitted by 26 January 2015. Full papers (pdf) adhering to the LaTeX llncs
style must be submitted by 2 February 2015. There is no official page limit, but
authors should strive for brevity. The web-based system EasyChair will be used
for submission (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mpc2015). 

Papers must report previously unpublished work, and must not be submitted
concurrently to a journal or to another conference with refereed proceedings.
Accepted papers must be presented at the conference by one of the authors.
Please feel free to write to mpc2015@easychair.org with any questions
about academic matters.

The proceedings of MPC 2015 will be published in Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series, as have all the previous editions. Authors of
accepted papers will be expected to transfer copyright to Springer for this
purpose. After the conference, authors of the best papers will be invited to
submit revised versions to a special issue of the Elsevier journal Science of
Computer Programming.


Ralf Hinze                University of Oxford, UK (chair)

Eerke Boiten              University of Kent, UK
Jules Desharnais          Université Laval, Canada
Lindsay Groves            Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Zhenjiang Hu              National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Graham Hutton             University of Nottingham, UK
Johan Jeuring             Utrecht University and Open University, The Netherlands
Jay McCarthy              Vassar College, US
Bernhard Möller           Universität Augsburg, Germany
Shin-Cheng Mu             Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Dave Naumann              Stevens Institute of Technology, US
Pablo Nogueira            Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Ulf Norell                University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira   The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
José Nuno Oliveira        Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Alberto Pardo             Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Christine Paulin-Mohring  INRIA-Université Paris-Sud, France
Tom Schrijvers  KU Leuven, Belgium
Emil Sekerinski           McMaster University, Canada
Tim Sheard                Portland State University, US
Anya Tafliovich           University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada
Tarmo Uustalu             Institute of Cybernetics, Estonia
Janis Voigtländer         Universität Bonn, Germany


The conference will take place in Königswinter, Maritim Hotel, where
accommodation has been reserved. Königswinter is situated on the right bank of
the river Rhine, opposite Germany's former capital Bonn, at the foot of the


Ralf Hinze                      University of Oxford, UK (co-chair)
Janis Voigtländer               Universität Bonn, Germany (co-chair)
José Pedro Magalhães            University of Oxford, UK
Nicolas Wu                      University of Oxford, UK

For queries about local matters, please write to jv@informatik.uni-bonn.de.