I’m not sure what you mean when you say the “-e” command line option is not universal. It should work on all platforms, regardless of the OS.
> On Jul 13, 2016, at 1:22 AM, Adam <adam.mlmb@gmail.com> wrote:
> Marc,
> How do I pipe commands into Gambit on "all" unices?
> The "-e" argument is not universal so I may just want to pipe to Gambit's stdin.
> The following just brings you a REPL with no input made to it, and you do the typing - does Gambit use some very exotic means of console input, or does it empty its read buffer at start?? If so why, and how do I make it simply use "stdin"?
> cat << 'eof' | gsc
> (display "Hello world\n")
> ,q
> eof
> Thanks