I am having some issues with the subtleties of the low-level define-macro system. The problem seems to be that the identifiers created by syntax-rules are not equivalent to the identifiers created by define-macro. I would really appreciate some help on this.
Here is a small example:
(define-syntax multi-let
(syntax-rules ()
((multi-let (vars ...) body ...)
(let* [(vars '()) ...] ;; Declare the variables
($set vars) ... ;; Set them to "initial"
body ...))))
(define-macro ($set var)
`(set! ,var "initial")) ;; Set the variable to "initial"
And here is what happens when I try to use it:
> (multi-let (x y z) x)
*** ERROR IN #<procedure #2> -- Unbound variable: x
Thank you very much! For my use case, I am unable to stick completely to using define-syntax thus have to deal with how to intermix these two systems properly.