I am a Nigerian, living in Nigeria. Is there a way I could really support?


On Apr 12, 2014 5:47 PM, "Petersen, Chris" <CPetersen@cw.bc.ca> wrote:

Hi fellow gambitters,

Some of you may have heard of our use of Gambit-based mobile health applications for clinical trials in low income countries. We’d like to announce that our biggest project so far, Community Level Interventions for Pre-Eclampsia (CLIP) has now entered the pilot phase in India, Pakistan and Nigeria. The trial uses a gambit-based mobile diagnostic tool to identify pregnant women with a high risk of adverse events (such as a stroke or seizures) occurring due to pre-eclampsia, a disease that is responsible for about 75,000 women and 500,000 infants dying every year.  Once completed a total of 40,000 pregnant women will be screened under the trial. Of these, several thousand are expected to develop pre-eclampsia, so there is a very real potential for saving lives. In fact, we are already hearing of women testing positive in the pilot, and being sent to hospital thanks to the diagnostics in the Gambit/LambdaNative application.

For those interested, there is now an open access paper available that describes different aspects of the Gambit-based software:

While I’m at it, the devices currently used for this particular trial (low-cost locally sourced Android phones) come without sensors. However, we would like to use pulse oximeter sensors with the phones as this will make the decision support algorithms more powerful. The technology is here, and UBC has recently started hosting a funding drive to bring it out there to those who need it:

Please take a look and spread the word if you want to help us save lives and see Scheme - and Gambit in particular - used where it matters most.

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