I remember an ML post where Marc said that, presuming you don't use eval, Gambit's Scheme codebase can be tree-shaked too.

Well just removing unneeded parts of Gambit's core ought to be straightforward enough too; afaik actually *all* of the runtime can be removed and you still have a running system, though I suppose such a system would be of little use.

2012/6/8 Alex Queiroz <asandroq@gmail.com>

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Steve Graham <jsgrahamus@yahoo.com> wrote:
> So, they both execute, but the tree shaking didn't seem to do much.
> Any thoughts?

The tree shaker seems to work during compilation, not linking. It
doesn't avoid bringing all of Gambit-C into your executable.

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