Puisque l'on parlait d'utiliser le GPU pour accélérer certaines parties du compilateur. Plus spécifiquement, la réalisation qu'il existe un parallélisme exploitable dans les analyses de flot a été exploité récemment:

We describe, implement and benchmark EigenCFA, an algorithm for accelerating higher-order control-flow analysis (specifically, 0CFA) with a GPU. Ultimately, our program transformations, reductions and optimizations achieve a factor of 72 speedup over an optimized CPU implementation.


Ultimately, sparse-matrix data structures and operations turned out to be the critical accelerants. Because control-flow graphs are sparse in practice (up to 96% empty), our control-flow matrices are also sparse,
giving the sparse matrix operations an overwhelming space and speed advantage.

We also achieved speedups by carefully permitting data races.The monotonicity of 0CFA makes it sound to perform analysis operations in parallel, possibly using stale or even partially-updated data.

POPL 2011 http://matt.might.net/papers/prabhu2011eigencfa.pdf