Les parties en gras le sont par moi. Ça fait écho à la fois à une discussion que j'ai eu avec Bruno durant SPLASH et aux objectifs de Photon.

The Atlantis kernel only defines a narrow, low-level API that provides basic services like network I/O, screen rendering, and the execution of abstract syntax trees [1] that respect same-origin security policies. Each web page composes these basic services to define a richer high-level runtime that is completely controlled by that page.


We envision that in many cases, web pages will customize a third-party implementation of the current HTML/CSS stack that was written in pure JavaScript and compiled to Atlantis ASTs.


We provide a demonstration web stack that is written in pure JavaScript and contains an HTML parser, a layout engine, a DOM tree, and so on. This stack takes advantage of our new scripting engine, called Syphon, which provides several language features that make it easier to create application-defined runtimes (§3.3). We show that our prototype Syphon engine is fast enough to execute application-defined layout engines and GUI event handlers. We also demonstrate how easy it is to extend our demonstration web stack.

MailScanner soupçonne le lien suivant d'être une tentative de fraude de la part de "research.microsoft.com" http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2043556.2043577&coll=DL&dl=ACM&CFID=100470212&CFTOKEN=77165045

SOSP '11 Proceedings of the Twenty-Third ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles