[Lisa_teatalk] Talk by Hugo Tuesday 19th in Z300 at 10:30

Razvan Pascanu r.pascanu at gmail.com
Wed Nov 13 09:23:01 EST 2013

Hi all,

 This Tuesday, 19th November, Hugo Larochelle is visiting our lab and is
going to give a talk. The time is 10:30 AM, place is Z300, pavilion

Title: Deep Learning for Distribution Estimation

In this talk, I will present my recent research on using neural networks
for the task of distribution/density estimation, a fundamental problem in
machine learning. Specifically, I will discuss the neural autoregressive
distribution estimator (NADE), a state-of-the-art estimator of the
probability distribution of data along with its various extensions. I will
also describe a recent deep version of NADE, which again illustrates the
statistical modelling power of deep models.

Hope to see many of you there,
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