Hello all.<div><br></div><div><div><div><div>I'd like to compile and link gambit generated code with C++ code. Looking</div><div>at previous posts on this mailing list the way to do it is to build gambit</div><div>with a c++ compiler. I have Visual Studio 2008. I tried adding the options</div>
<div>-TP (compile as C++ code) and -EHsc (enable c++ exceptions) to </div><div>misc/vc2008.bat but the code does not compile without modifications (there</div><div>is some type casting from void* to non-void* which require explicit cast in c++).</div>
<div><br></div><div>What is the proper way to build gambit using the Visual Studio 2008 c++</div><div>compiler? On unix systems I can pass --enable-cplusplus option to</div><div>configure. Can I setup mingw or cygwin to do the same on Windows? If so</div>
<div>how do I do this?</div><div><br></div><div>Also the windows binary distribution of Gambit 4.6.0 opens a new window when</div><div>running "gsc -exe test.scm". Once the compile finishes the window is closed</div>
<div>immediately making it hard to read the output. I notice when I compile</div><div>gambit using vc2008.bat it does not open a new window. It would be better</div><div>if the official binary distribution did this as well. I notice that for</div>
<div>binaries that I build using gsc if I define _WINDOWS it opens a new console</div><div>window. Maybe the official windows binary distribution compiles gsc with</div><div>_WINDOWS defined?</div><div><br></div></div><div>
Thank you</div><div><br></div><div>- Kartik</div><div><br></div></div></div>