looking at the glut ffi at the dumping grounds, we have lines like:<br><br>(define GL_NORMAL_ARRAY #x8075)<br>(define GL_COLOR_ARRAY #x8076)<br>(define GL_INDEX_ARRAY #x8077)<br>(define GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY #x8078)<br><br>
this is really cool because ... now, in scheme land, I also know the values of these defines<br><br>suppose however, I didn't care about the values of these globals in scheme land ... and suppose, i'm writing the ffi for naother library and I don't want to manually (or write a script) to get the value of each of these constants, is there anyway I can do something like:<br>
<br>(c-define-foreign-varaible gl_normal_array "GL_NORMAL_ARRAY")<br><br>and have gl_normal_array (only in compiled mode, I recognize this will fail in interpted mode) just get expanded to "GL_NORMAL_ARRAY" during compilation?<br>
<br>thanks!<br><br>(I also dislike the eralier method in that ... if API changes causes the global vars to have different values ... i'll have lots of fun with silent var value changes<br>