question 1:<br><br>Is it possible to write gambit code to produce the equiv of:<br>int foo[200]; ?<br><br>the current best I have in mind is:<br>(let ((foo (malloc (* 200 8)))) ... )<br><br><br>question 2:<br>suppose I have:<br>
<br>(c-define-type bar "bar")<br><br>is there a way to create equiv of:<br>bar foo[200]; ?<br><br>again, current best I have in mind is:<br>(let ((foo (malloc (* 200 sizeof_bar)))) ... )<br><br><br>question 3:<br>
<br>in question 1, is there a way to access foo[i] ?<br><br>question 4:<br><br>in question 2, is there a way to access foo[i] ?<br><br>thanks!<br>