<font size=3>At 12:11 PM 10/2/2006, Marc Feeley wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">On 2-Oct-06, at 12:12 PM, Blake
McBride wrote:<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite=""><br>
That worked and I did get a good executable file. I had to link
gambc.lib, user32.lib and ws2_32.lib (two MS libs).<br><br>
I don't get the whole "compile in the destination path"
stuff. That<br>
means you have to re-build the whole thing whenever you want<br>
to move anything (like to a drive with more space). It also
distributing Gambit a real pain (use my path or else...).<br>
Why don't you build with a default path and then use an environment<br>
variable to specify the Gambit home? That's how everyone else<br>
does it.<br>
Including Gambit! Just read the Gambit-C manual page 21.
The <br>
default installation directory is /usr/local/Gambit-C/VERSION, but
this can be changed at build time. The environment variable
that <br>
Gambit uses is called GAMBCOPT and it contains the runtime options
that override the options that were used when the system was
built. <br>
The runtime options on the command line (-:XXX) override the <br>
GAMBCOPT. In other words the value of a runtime option will be
equal to<br><br>
1) the value used at system build time<br>
2) UNLESS the option is overriden by the GAMBCOPT environment
3) UNLESS the option is overriden by the -:XXX runtime option on
the <br>
command line<br><br>
Here's an example with Unix:<br><br>
$ gsi -e '(pp (path-expand "~~"))'<br>
$ export GAMBCOPT=d0,=/Users/feeley/foo<br>
$ gsi -e '(pp (path-expand "~~"))'<br>
$ gsi -:=/Users/feeley/gambit -e '(pp (path-expand "~~"))'<br>
With the GAMBCOPT approach you can change more than the Gambit
installation directory. You can select the debugging level,
the <br>
default file I/O encoding, etc.</blockquote><br><br>
</font>That is great that Gambit has those options. We could have
avoided the<br>
whole issue by repeating your above comments on page 1 of the manual<br>
"Accessing The System". You shouldn't have to get to page
21 to figure<br>
out basic installation.<br><br>
The main thing, however, which held me up was the error message<br>
"ERROR IN ##parameterize" when I had the directory path
Since, as I would imagine, this could be a common error for new<br>
users, it would be great if the system detected the incorrect path<br>
and simply stated a clear message about the problem and, perhaps,<br>
some possible solutions.<br><br>
This kind of stuff often seems obvious and an anal hassle to the
or experienced users but makes a big difference to new users who<br>
are trying to get up-to-speed quickly and evaluate a tool. Knowing,
out of the gate, that problems are adequately described gives one<br>
confidence in the remainder of the tool.<br><br>
Just some opinions. Gambit is a really great system!<br><br>
Blake McBride<br>