[gambit-list] [TFPIE'21] First Call For Papers: Trends in Functional Programming *in Education* 2021, 16 February (with Lambda Days 2021 & TFP 2021)

Peter Achten P.Achten at cs.ru.nl
Tue Sep 29 10:44:22 EDT 2020

    TFPIE 2021 Call for papers
(February 16 2021, co-organized with TFP 2021 and Lambda Days 2021)

The goal of the International Workshops on Trends in Functional 
Programming in
Education is to gather researchers, professors, teachers, and all 
that use or are interested in the use of functional programming in 
TFPIE aims to be a venue where novel ideas, classroom-tested ideas, and 
work in
progress on the use of functional programming in education are 
discussed. The
one-day workshop will foster a spirit of open discussion by having a review
process for publication after the workshop.

TFPIE 2021 welcomes submissions in the above mentioned areas. This year 
teaching programmes have had to make a rapid transition to online 
teaching, and
we explicitly solicit papers that explore this area of teaching functional

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
-  FP and beginning CS students
-  FP and Computational Thinking
-  FP and Artificial Intelligence
-  FP in Robotics
-  FP and Music
-  Advanced FP for undergraduates
-  FP in graduate education
-  Engaging students in research using FP
-  FP in Programming Languages
-  FP in the high school curriculum
-  FP as a stepping stone to other CS topics
-  FP and Philosophy
-  The pedagogy of teaching FP
-  FP and e-learning: MOOCs, automated assessment etc.
-  Best Lectures - more details below

In addition to papers, we are requesting best lecture presentations. 
What's your
best lecture topic in an FP related course? Do you have a fun way to 
present FP
concepts to novices or perhaps an especially interesting presentation of a
difficult topic? In either case, please consider sharing it. Best 
lecture topics
will be selected for presentation based on a short abstract describing the
lecture and its interest to TFPIE attendees. The length of the presentation
should be comparable to that of a paper. On top of the lecture itself,
the presentation can also provide commentary on the lecture.

Potential presenters are invited to submit an extended abstract (4-6 
pages) or a
draft paper (up to 20 pages) in EPTCS style. The authors of accepted
presentations will have their preprints and their slides made available 
on the
workshop's website. Papers and abstracts can be submitted via easychair 
at the
following link:


After the workshop, presenters are invited to submit (a revised version of)
their article for review. The PC will select the best articles. We plan to
publish them in the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer 
Science (EPTCS).
Articles rejected for presentation and extended abstracts will not be 
reviewed by the PC.

-  Submission deadline: January 11 2021, Anywhere on Earth.
-  Notification: January 15 2021
-  Workshop: February 16 2021
-  Submission for formal review: April 20 2021, Anywhere on Earth.
-  Notification of full article: June 7 2021
-  Camera ready: July 1st 2021

Program Committee (under construction)
- Peter Achten,    Radboud University, Netherlands (chair)
- Edwin Brady,     University of St Andrews, UK
- Laura Castro,    Universidade da Coruña, Spain
- Stephen Chang,   University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
- Youyou Cong,     Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Matthew Flatt,   University of Utah, USA
- Alex Gerdes,     University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Prabhakar Ragde, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Melinda Tóth,    Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

TFPIE is part of Lambda Days. Please visit the Lambda Days 2021 pages 
when registration
information becomes available.

Registration is mandatory for at least one author of every paper that is
presented at the workshop. Only papers that have been presented at TFPIE 
may be
submitted to the post-reviewing process.

Information on Lambda Days is available at 
Information on TFP         is available at http://tfp2021.org

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