[gambit-list] (updated cj-exception handling routines)

Christian Jaeger christian at pflanze.mine.nu
Mon May 19 14:20:49 EDT 2008

Since I've been asked about getting location information about 
exceptions happening in threads, and I still haven't gotten around 
updating all of my code to current Gambit, I've now adapted cj-exception 
and put it here:


 > (with-ec-catcher (lambda() (/ 1 0) 43))          
*** ERROR IN (console)@1.1 -- This object was raised: 
#<exception/continuation #2 exception: #<divide-by-zero-exception #3> 
continuation: #<continuation #4>>
 > (exception/continuation-message-in-context #2)
"*** ERROR IN #<procedure #5>, (console)@2.28 -- Divide by zero\n(/ 1 0)\n"
 > (display (exception/continuation-contextlines #2))
0  #<procedure #5>         (console)@2:28          (/ 1 0)
1  (interaction)           (console)@2:1           (with-ec-catcher 
(lambda ...
2  ##main                 

Same thing when used like:

 > (define spawn (lambda (thunk) (thread-start! (make-thread (lambda () 
(with-ec-catcher thunk))))))
 > (spawn (lambda() (/ 1 0) 43))
#<thread #6>
 > (thread-join! #6)
*** ERROR IN (console)@6.1 -- Uncaught exception: 
#<exception/continuation #7 exception: #<divide-by-zero-exception #8> 
continuation: #<continuation #9>>
(thread-join! '#<thread #6>)


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